“Rekindling the Revolutionary Flame” focuses on Doikayt, Yiddishkayt, and Sotsializm as foundational pillars for a revitalized Jewish socialist movement. It presents a practical and organizational roadmap for rebuilding Bundism, drawing from its historic resistance to oppression and connecting Jewish liberation with global socialist and anti-imperialist struggles. The manifesto urges a return to revolutionary Bundism, advocating for grassroots organization, cross-cultural solidarity, and a steadfast commitment to dismantling capitalism and Zionism in the pursuit of justice.
The Manual Of Revolution (Book 1) is a comprehensive anthology presenting manifestos, essays, and declarations from the Jewish Bundist Diaspora Movement. It articulates a Bundist framework rooted in socialist, anti-Zionist, and anti-imperialist principles. With insights from prominent activists, this manual tackles contemporary issues like antisemitism, the exploitation of indigenous populations, and the fight against both Zionism and American imperialism. It emphasizes solidarity across movements, intertwining the Bundist struggle with broader anti-capitalist and decolonial efforts.
The Manual of Revolution (Book 2) is a deeper continuation of the Bundist struggle through manifestos and writings that reflect on current global and local issues, offering strategies, critiques, and theoretical frameworks from prominent Bundist voices. Covering themes like anti-Zionism, anti-imperialism, and Jewish liberation, it tackles complex intersections between Jewish identity and radical socialist movements. The collection calls for unity among oppressed groups, a revival of Bundist principles, and a dedication to combating modern manifestations of oppression, capitalism, and right-wing extremism.